PmWiki.InterMap History

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December 06, 2012, at 05:43 AM by Eric - OEAbCJuUklC
Changed lines 1-121 from:
(:Summary: Interwiki links definition and use:)
(:Audience: author (intermediate) :)

The InterMap (also called InterWiki in some other wikis) is a system for defining links between [[WikiWikiWeb]] sites that was first developed by UseMod and Meatball (see UseMod:InterWiki and Meatball:InterWiki). The method is to use a word shortcut that stands for a defined path. InterMap links have the form [@MapPrefix:PagePath@], where the host prefix is converted to a partial URL based on entries in the site's ''intermap.txt'' and ''localmap.txt'' files.

!! The default intermap.txt

The default ''intermap.txt'' distributed with PmWiki (in the ''scripts/'' directory) includes the following InterMap entries:

!! The page [[{$SiteGroup}.InterMap]]
(:if exists {$SiteGroup}.InterMap:)
[[{$SiteGroup}.InterMap]] includes the following entries:
(:include {$SiteGroup}.InterMap#include#includeend:)
You can map your own prefixes in your local page [[{$SiteGroup}.InterMap]].

Thus, "PmWiki:Variables" becomes "" + "Variables," a link to the [[PmWiki.Variables->]] page on the official PmWiki web site, Wiki:FrontPage is a link to the front page of the first WikiWikiWeb, and Wikipedia:Stonehenge takes you to the Wikipedia article about the famous megaliths in England.

!! Usage in a wiki page

Like other links, you can use the double-bracket syntax to get different link text:
(:markup class=horiz:)
* [[Meatball:StartingPoints | starting points]] over at Meatball
* [[starting points -> Meatball:StartingPoints]] over at Meatball

If you want to link just to what the intermap says (e.g. for Wikipedia), then do [@[[Wikipedia:. | Wikipedia's main page]]@], which produces [[Wikipedia:. | Wikipedia's main page]]. Note the . (period) after the Map: reference.

The special [@Path:@] InterMap entry can be used to create "[[Cookbook:RelativeUrls|relative urls]]" in [[Cookbook:RelativeLinks|links]].

!! Custom InterMap prefixes
The actual set of InterMap links at any site is defined by the site administrator via the [[Site.InterMap]] page and the ''local/localmap.txt'' file.

An intermap entry takes the following format:

-> [@

The InterMap entry can be for any of the [[(PmWiki:)link schemes]] supported by PmWiki.
You can create your own InterMap links by doing one or more of the following:

* Modify the page called ''[[{$SiteGroup}.InterMap]]'' and place entries like the ones above in it.
* Create a file called ''local/localmap.txt'' and place entries like the ones above in it.
* In a [[WikiFarm(s)]] installation you can create a file called
''local/farmmap.txt'' and there place entries like the ones above in it.
These prefixes will be common to all the wikis in the farm.
* Ensure that there is a space after the colon.

Do not edit the file ''scripts/intermap.txt'' directly! If you do, you'll
lose your changes when you [[PmWiki/upgrade(s)]] PmWiki.

!! Variables and InterMap links

It's possible to use variables within your InterMap entries. The following
entries create [@ThisWiki:@] and [@ThisPage:@] shortcuts:

-> [@
ThisWiki: $ScriptUrl
ThisPage: {$PageUrl}

You can also define InterMap entries where the text of the entry is
substituted into the middle of the URL. Just include '$1' in the URL where
you want the substitution to take place. For example:


would cause [@Jargon:F/feature-creep@] to be converted to [@].

!! Tips and tricks

It is possible to document your intermap prefixes directly in the page
[[Site.InterMap]]. The extra text will not cause a performance penalty, nor
will it break the definition of prefixes. However, be aware that anything
matching a line starting with a word and a colon (''':''') will be
considered to define a prefix.

The order in which various sources are checked for definitions of prefixes
is controlled by the variable $InterMapFiles. Currently the precedence
(highest to lowest is as follows):
* ''local/localmap.txt''
* ''$SiteGroup.InterMap''
* ''$FarmD/local/farmmap.txt''
* ''$FarmD/scripts/intermap.txt''

>>faq<< [[#faq]]

Q: Are InterMap names case sensitive?
A: Yes, thus [@eAdmin:@] is a different InterMap link than [@EAdmin:@].

Q: How can I achieve a ''localmap.txt'' mapping with the effect of [@Pics: Path:/somepathto/pics/@]?
A: Use the following:
->[@Pics: /somepathto/pics/@]

Q: How can I define an InterMap in PHP?
A: Use the following:
$LinkFunctions['PmWikiHome:'] = 'LinkIMap';
$IMap['PmWikiHome:'] = '$1';
This isinght's just the way to kick life into this debate.

Page last modified on December 06, 2012, at 05:43 AM