Main.MacroEconomics History

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May 04, 2018, at 08:52 AM by -
Changed lines 29-30 from:
* The Gioi Phang
* The World is Flat - Thomas L Friedman
* Management_Challenges_for_the_21st_Century
* Chien Luoc Dai Duong Xanh
* The Lexus and the Olive Tree (globalisation) - Thomas L Friedman
* The Best Democracy Money Can Buy - G.Palast
* Future Shock - Alvin Toffler
* The Third Wave - Alvin Toffler
* Selling Globalization: The Myth of the Global Economy
* Global corporate citizenship
Changed lines 45-48 from:
* Strategy And The Internet - Michael Porter
* Strategy And The Internet - Michael Porter
* Thinking about a New Economy
* Interviews about "Globalization and Its Discontent"
* Review of Joseph E. Stiglitz’s Globalization and its Discontents
May 04, 2018, at 08:42 AM by -
Added lines 1-35:
!!Collection of books/ papers about Macro Economy


* Advanced International Trade Theory and Evidence
* Foundations of International Macroeconomics - Obstfeld y Rogoff
* International Economics (2003) - Paul Krugman and Obstfeld
* Confessions of an Economic Hitman - John Perkins
* Lectures On Macroeconomics - Blanchard, Olivier Jean
* Macro Economics
* The Theory Of Money And Credit - Mises, Ludwig Von
* Principles of Economics 2nd Edition - Schaum's Outline
* The Theory of Economic Growth: a ‘Classical’ Perspective
* Exercises in Recursive Macroeconomic Theory
* Recursive Macroeconomic Theory 2nd ed - Ljungqvist and Sargent
* Macroeconomics - Doepke Lehner Sellgren-BarroCompanion
* Macroeconomics Essentials - Understanding Economics in the News
* Macroeconomics - Farmer UCLA
* Principles of Macroeconomics - Mankiw
* Modern Macroeconomics - Origin, Development and Current State
* Monetary Theory - Walsh 2003
* International Macro Economics and Finance
* Modern Banking - Heffernan
* Bankruptcy Basics
* Consumer Handbook on Mortgages
* Royal Forex - Study book for successful foreign exchange dealing
* Laws of Money Guide Book - Suze Orman
* The Economics of European Integration


* Toward A Reconstruction Of Utility & Welfare Economics - Austrian Econ
* Strategy And The Internet - Michael Porter

Page last modified on May 04, 2018, at 08:52 AM